Let's build together.



Our pursuit of equality cannot follow the trajectory of our past.
Together, we can alter the status quo. Let us innovate with you using our products, tools, and services to imagine new possibilities and shift the paradigm of systemic inequality.

“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house."

– Audre Lorde

Products & Tools

Training & Education

Discover and share actionable ways to transform your organization's equity and inclusion efforts.

en masse creates memorable learning solutions to support the growing demands of today’s diverse workplace. Our interactive learning interventions explore a range of relevant topics including race, gender, and difference for small, medium, and large audiences.


America, I Am Race

Take a journey through the history of race in America. This two-module workshop explores the historical and social underpinnings of race in society today and supports participants in developing wellness tools for mental, emotional, and physical wellness during times of uncertainty, crisis, and unrest. Participants will learn:

  • Key definitions and influential moments in the 19th through 21st century related to race
  • Explore key concepts including racial formation, and racial identity
  • Develop personalized strategies for connecting with and empathizing with people of diverse backgrounds
  • Mitigating Unconscious Bias

    Explore the neuroscience behind bias and its practical impact on organizational culture and society today. This core-concept workshop helps unlock new cultural awareness and engagement opportunities for organizations looking to grow diversity and inclusion efforts and/or those interested in reducing bias in hiring, policy development, and management practice.

    In this workshop, participants will:

  • Define unconscious bias
  • Identify where it lives in organizational systems
  • Determine actionable methods to mitigate bias and create a diverse, inclusive, and equitable culture
  • Inclusive Leadership Strategies for the Workplace

    Inclusive leadership is the responsibility of every leader. This management-focused workshop helps leaders at every experience level and from every background discover and implement effective models for conscious, inclusive leadership.

    In this workshop, participants will:

  • Explore the evolution of leadership through history
  • Define inclusive leadership and the most common modern-day barriers to inclusion
  • Examine and present situational case studies and analysis of ineffective/effective leadership tendencies at the individual and institutional levels
  • Ideate and engage in techniques to hear, understand, and enable diverse audiences through inclusive leadership models and strategies
  • Stereotype Threat Disruption

    In this training, we explore how single stories create, (re)inforce, and (re)produce stereotypes. This session will enable workshop participants to:

  • Define single story and its dangers in connection to diversity and inclusion
  • Explore the components of the single story
  • Identify ways to disrupt single stories
  • Detail the impact of the single story on individuals, groups, and businesses
  • The Fundamentals of Microaggressions Workshop

    This 90-minute instructor-led virtual workshop offers participants the skills and framework to:

  • Understand and identify microaggressions
  • Intervene when they experience or see microaggressions in the workplace or elsewhere in their lives
  • Reduce microaggressions through self-examination
  • Identify intentional cultural and bias sensitivity
  • Healing and Activism for Lasting Change

    As we vigorously and steadfastly advocate for a more inclusive and equitable world, our efforts must be centered on correcting oppressive societal norms and the recurring traumas they inflict. This workshop focuses on the inseparable relationship between social activism and healing.

    Using trauma-informed clinical theory and research on post-traumatic growth, this workshop explores:

  • The repetitive nature of racial and gender oppression
  • Impediments to healing societal “isms”
  • Healthy expressions of activism and allyship
  • Collaborative pathways to and strategies for creating lasting change
  • Keynotes

    Inclusion and equity keynote and plenary presentations are a great way to demonstrate your commitment to diversity and progress. At en masse, we design diverse customized keynote presentations and facilitations for audiences across the globe. These dynamic, high-impact sessions deliver credible insights on diversity, equity, and inclusion that are grounded in research, data, and our consultants' expertise. Often acting as an introduction to topics such as unconscious bias, race in America, and inclusive leadership, our sessions have provided an efficient way to kickstart internal discussions and change efforts that connect with all audiences from the intern to the CEO. Join the list of partners that includes Brahmin, Sacramento Kings and The Detox Market with an en masse presentation.

    More Products & Tools

    Advising and Leadership Coaching

    Make meaningful and sustainable change in your organization.

    We center our customized coaching on each individual’s unique experiences and explore their individual behavior as a unit of analysis. We provide insights and perspective on how each person can enhance their inclusion acumen, workshops and toolkits for continued learning, and actionable accountability plans to help individuals and organizations grow and maintain their sensitivity and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    Our coaching solutions include:

  • Communications Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • How to establish Employee/Business Resource Groups

  • More Products & Tools

    Consulting Services

    Culture change begins with an assessment of self because, “what gets measured, gets done.”

    We explore culture through an IDEAS lens to pinpoint employment triggers and remove barriers buried deep within your business’ practices, policies, and procedures. The goal? To ensure that all of your employees have equal employment opportunity. Our consulting services include:

  • Programmatic Analysis
  • Focus Groups
  • Strategy Labs (after a programmatic analysis)

  • More Products & Tools

    Communication & Messaging Tool Development

    Your organization’s story is actually the collective story of every person your organization touches—from end-users to employees, and from executives to those at the entry-level. Effective communications reflect your mission, reinforce your values and behaviors, and celebrate your people.

    At en masse, we partner to develop more than just good print copy, or website postings We help develop the real, relatable, and universal story of your organization that incorporates deep reflection on and an understanding of your DNA. Are you wondering what your real story is? We can help through:

  • Leadership playbooks
  • Communications coaching
  • Customized DEI Messaging Guides

  • More Products & Tools

    Learn About Our Team

    Get to know our motley crew of interdisciplinary scholars, educators, social justice activists, instructional designers, artists, communications marketing and branding experts, and IDEAS practitioners.